This is a project I worked on as part of a remote three-person team.
Venice is a tool that makes it easy to run a streaming pipeline locally. It sets up a pipeline consisting of containerized components for users looking to experiment with event streaming. It's like a Minikube for event streaming.
A blogging app that allows users to authenticate, create posts, comment on posts, add categories, vote on posts, and edit profile information. Built with Rails 6, Ruby 2.6.5, and Bootstrap 4.
Sales Uploads
An app that allows users to upload CSVs of sales to a database. Built with a React frontend, Flask backend, and PostgreSQL database.
Simulated spaceship landings using reinforcement learning
A reinforcement agent that learns to safely land a simulated spaceship (OpenAI LunarLander-v2) using an approach adapted from Mnih et. al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning, Nature 518, 2015.
Image recognition of road signs and traffic lights
A machine learning model that detects road signs and traffic lights from the German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark. Achieved performance comparable with state-of-the-art classification techniques.